Week 4 of Muskie SPARK was a lot of fun!
The 4th and 5th graders experienced the Voyager Canoes at Deep Lakes.
County Conservation taught Kindergarten about Camping and Outdoors.
The Police Department visited the 3rd grade Mystery Festival and 5th grade Forensic Science.
County Conservation visited Kindergarten with Nature of Insects, 2nd-grade with Birds of Prey, 3rd grade with Aquatic Habitats, and 4th grad with Sea Otters.
HNI taught 3rd-grade about Coding and Robotics.MCC Prof. Sprestad showed the 5th-grade Forensic Science about DNA fingerprinting.
HNI taught 3rd-grade about Coding and Robotics.MCC Prof. Sprestad showed the 5th-grade Forensic Science about DNA fingerprinting.
We are looking forward to what the final week brings to the kids!