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Asset Map

During the spring of 2021, 113 programs of 55 organizations completed the Aligned Impact Muscatine County and
United Way of Muscatine asset map survey. This survey was done as a follow up to the first asset map survey done
by the University of Iowa Social Work Department in 2016 and the 2018 survey done by AIM and United Way of
Muscatine. To make completing the application easier for organizations, we reduced the number of questions and
sent all organizations who completed surveys in 2018 a link to their previous responses that they could easily
update. 33 programs of 13 organizations chose to keep their survey responses the same as 2018. Results from this
survey will be used by United Way of Muscatine and by AIM’s Leadership Council and Strategy Networks.

Click here to view the report

Expand the list to see programs listed under each type of service.